Since the earliest days of television, video has been a powerful marketing medium. But due to its expense, production complexity, and professional scriptwriting requirements video has not always been every marketer’s first choice. My guest this week argues that, due to lower costs, global distribution channels, and the presence of a high-quality video camera in

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Is it possible to hire a skilled worker in the Philippines to perform top quality production, marketing, and customer support work on a full-time basis for 25% or less of the cost of an American worker performing the same task? My guest this week says, “Yes!” I’m looking forward to speaking with John Jonas, creator

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In business, the customer is king. They are not always right and they are sometimes abrasive but they are always the arbiter of what products, services, and businesses succeed and which do not. Ignore that fact to your peril. Occasionally, an offering or company comes along that fills needs that customers didn’t even know they

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A well-written business plan is essential for any firm looking for debt or equity financing. While banks and investors are looking for different things to make them feel good about your business model, they both expect you to have a professional business plan to review. Do you? My guest this week is Cheree Warrick, a

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The events of the past 14 months are unprecedented in the past century of global business history. The pandemic has had has been devastating to many industries and a boon to others. The workplace changes it has created have been enormous, with impacts on commercial real estate and knowledge worker migration that we are just

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